Boost Your YouTube
Video Ranking
3 Proven Methods!
Key Facts

Most people would have you think that ranking videos in YouTube is a matter of getting more views and embeds but that's simply not true. In fact, you don't even need many views if you properly optimize your video and give YouTube exactly what they want.

YouTube has outsmarted that game a long time ago and it's algorithm is only getting more advanced making it difficult for new and existing YouTube creators to get their videos ranked and noticed.

WE OFFER 3 different packages

This particular service is perfect for:

  • A brand new YT channel's first 1-5 videos.
  • Ranking long tail keywords in YouTube.
  • Ranking local marketing keywords in YouTube.
  • Can't be used on more than 1 video.
  • Don't use this service if you want to rank for music videos or gaming videos.

To rank videos in YouTube, you must have the following:

  • Real people from real residential proxies using YouTube.
  • Searching in YouTube for the keyword you want ranked for.
  • Clicking on your video and not your competitors.
  • Watching a minimum of 50% of your video.
  • Occasional interaction (comments, likes, subs, shares..etc.)

This is what builds authority to your videos and your YouTube channel allowing them rank higher and faster in YouTube.

This service was created over 2 years ago and has been growing ever since with a group of real YouTube users who do the exact steps above to help get your videos ranked and to build authority to your channel so future videos start ranking better on their own.

Here's what you'll get in this Starter service:

  • Around 60 real people (15-20/day) searching your main keyword.
  • Watching at least 50% of your video and interacting (leaving comments, likes, subbing..etc).
  • Can easily rank long tail or local keywords.
  • Spread over 3-4 days.
  • You will not get a report, but you can see results in your YT analytics.


  1. Optimize your video: Make sure your main keyword is at the beginning of your video title, description and tags.
  2. Add variations of your keyword in the description to also help rank for them.
  3. For best results, order this service within 48 hours of uploading your video.
  4. You will get best results if your video is at least 3-10 minutes long.
  5. Make sure video is already ranking in the top 50 positions before placing your order. Check at
  6. Make sure you have comments turned on.

Because YouTube is constantly updating and making changes, we can't 100% guarantee top rankings. The majority of videos that follow the above recommendations and order the appropriate service see very successful results in both rankings and building authority which helps future videos to rank better.


This particular service is perfect for:

  • Ranking medium to long tail keywords in YouTube.
  • Ranking product reviews in YouTube.
  • Ranking launch jacking videos in YouTube.
  • Can't be used on more than 1 video.
  • Don't use this service if you want to rank for music videos or gaming videos.

To rank videos in YouTube, you must have the following:

  • Real people from real residential proxies using YouTube.
  • Searching in YouTube for the keyword you want ranked for.
  • Clicking on your video and not your competitors.
  • Watching a minimum of 50% of your video.
  • Occasional interaction (comments, likes, subs, shares..etc.)

This is what builds authority to your videos and your YouTube channel allowing them rank higher and faster in YouTube.

This service was created over 2 years ago and has been growing ever since with a group of real YouTube users who do the exact steps above to help get your videos ranked and to build authority to your channel so future videos start ranking better on their own.

Here's what you'll get in this Starter service:

  • Around 120 real people (30-35/day) searching your main keyword.
  • Watching at least 50% of your video and interacting (leaving comments, likes, subbing..etc).
  • Can easily rank long tail and many shorter keywords for reviews, affiliates.. etc.
  • Spread over 3-4 days.
  • You will not get a report, but you can see results in your YT analytics.


  1. Optimize your video: Make sure your main keyword is at the beginning of your video title, description and tags.
  2. Add variations of your keyword in the description to also help rank for them.
  3. For best results, order this service within 48 hours of uploading your video.
  4. You will get best results if your video is at least 3-10 minutes long.
  5. Make sure video is already ranking in the top 50 positions before placing your order. Check at
  6. Make sure you have comments turned on.

Because YouTube is constantly updating and making changes, we can't 100% guarantee top rankings. The majority of videos that follow the above recommendations and order the appropriate service see very successful results in both rankings and building authority which helps future videos to rank better.

This particular service is perfect for:

  • Ranking more competitive keywords and faster rankings.
  • Ranking product reviews.
  • Ranking launch jacking products.
  • Other types of keywords.
  • Ranks faster.
  • Can't be used on more than 1 video.
  • Don't use this service if you want to rank for music videos or gaming videos.

To rank videos in YouTube, you must have the following:

  • Real people from real residential proxies using YouTube.
  • Searching in YouTube for the keyword you want ranked for.
  • Clicking on your video and not your competitors.
  • Watching a minimum of 50% of your video.
  • Occasional interaction (comments, likes, subs, shares..etc.)

This is what builds authority to your videos and your YouTube channel allowing them rank higher and faster in YouTube.

This service was created over 2 years ago and has been growing ever since with a group of real YouTube users who do the exact steps above to help get your videos ranked and to build authority to your channel so future videos start ranking better on their own.

Here's what you'll get in this Starter service:

  • Around 200 real people (50/day) searching your main keyword.
  • Watching at least 50% of your video and interacting (leaving comments, likes, subbing..etc).
  • Can easily rank for more competitive keywords and ranks much faster.
  • Spread over 3-4 days.
  • You will not get a report, but you can see results in your YT analytics.


  1. Optimize your video: Make sure your main keyword is at the beginning of your video title, description and tags.
  2. Add variations of your keyword in the description to also help rank for them.
  3. For best results, order this service within 48 hours of uploading your video.
  4. You will get best results if your video is at least 3-10 minutes long.
  5. Make sure video is already ranking in the top 50 positions before placing your order. Check at
  6. Make sure you have comments turned on.

Because YouTube is constantly updating and making changes, we can't 100% guarantee top rankings. The majority of videos that follow the above recommendations and order the appropriate service see very successful results in both rankings and building authority which helps future videos to rank better.


To order send and email to vidsleader [at ] 011web [dot] com